Velino Waterfront
Casal Velino, Italy
Casal Velino Municipality
Professional Services
The primary objective from the urbanistic point of view was to find a balanced merge between the urban area and the neighbouring areas, in order to fill in the existing gaps for places and artifacts.
Key interventions are: the design of urban meeting space (Piazza Grandi Eventi) in a strategic position to create a new and recognizable urban identity; the recovery of urban pedestrian and cycle paths, focusing on the seafront promenade; decongestion of the port area and the waterfront, relocating the parking areas mainly along with the axis of the Via Velia and in the market area, giving a different road hierarchy to the urban layout; the design of new green spaces.

More key interventions were the design of new green spaces; the design of service structures for both boaters and bathers with the simultaneous formal recomposition of the waterfront; the preservation of a place with high landscape qualities consisting of the north cliff.